Lanka Association Geneva contributes towards the
'Vision for Children Project'

B.R. De Silva & Co., Chartered Accountants
& Auditors function as the auditors of the Trust.
They perform an honourary service.
Trust is presently
finalizing arrangements to
launch the 'Vision for Children' Project,
enabling the early detection of
vision impairment of school children.
Sri Lanka Association Geneva (SLAG) recently made a generous
contribution to the Nandadasa Kodagoda Memorial Trust,
to facilitate the launching of the 'Vision for Children'
Project. Pictured at left is Mr. Ruvan De Alwis, President
of the Sri Lanka Association Geneva, handing over the
donation to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Mrs.
Ratna Kodagoda. Also in the picture are, (left to right)
Mr. Chandana Prematileka (Assistant Secretary), Mr. S.B.W.
de Silva (Secretary), Prof. Colvin Goonaratne (Chairman-elect),
Prof. Ravindra Fernando (Project Coordinator), &
Mr. Lal De Alwis (Treasurer)
of the Board of Management.
Nandadasa Kodagoda Memorial Trust expresses its appreciation
to the President and the Members of the Committee of the
Sri Lanka Association Geneva, for having made the donation.
The 'Vision for Children' Project is a concept of Dr.
Nalin Goonasinghe, who is a member of the Board of Management
of the Trust.If you require further information regarding
the project or wish to contribute towards the project,
please send us an e.amil.